For over two years now, we have been cherishing the sweet, easy style that characterizes SJ. An "angel baby" from the start, she has remained faithful to her affectionate, content, fun-loving ways. Countless times I have found myself amazed at how she's always loved to cuddle and rock...and I realize that though she has grown in size and ability, she is still our baby.
There are a few things I've been wanting to record about her since her birthday... just little SJisms that we hear on a daily basis:
-For months she's been saying "Let me...walk, go, etc." (Not unusual for toddlers, but I don't remember her sisters actually saying this.)
-She answers yes/no questions consistently with a sweet little squinty- eyed "MmmmmHmmmmm" (for yes) or "MmmmMmmm" (for no).
-She somehow picked up on her grandparents' first names and has referred to all four of them by these names with no prompting from us. She especially likes to call her Pop Pop "Jim"!
-At potty time, she usually says "Reet me, Mommy!" (read to me, mommy)
-She went on a mini nap strike last week and I found her a few times turning somersaults in her bed...she'd proudly grin and say "flip over!" when I'd come in.
-She uses the words "something" and "somebody" alot; for example, she went into our laundry room (which T had just painted) yesterday morning and reported to me with a scrunched up nose, "Something stink!" (She also uses the word "stink" instead of "smell", so often she says something that actually smells good "stinks".)
-Since T's been reading Chronicles of Narnia with AG (and some to LL) there's been some Narnia-themed play at our house. A few weeks ago SJ came running down the hall on a mission to "'feat White Witch!" (defeat the white witch).
There's no doubt she's an increasingly willful and capable two year old with her own opinions and ideas and issues with her sisters, but something tells me that even after her brother arrives, this little snuggle bug will retain some of that "baby" status...in the sweetest sort of way!
1 comment:
Wow SJ sounds as sweet and AG and LL! Patrick & I were just counting up to figure out how much longer SJ is going to be the baby and we figured you're about 38 weeks! Wow! Praying you are doing well sweet friend and that all will go uneventfully for you and your first baby boy! Hugs, Jasmine, Patrick and all the kids!
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