Friday, July 24, 2009

Little Fish

Last Thursday, AG and LL finished a two week session of swim lessons. After dropping them off and having to find other things to keep us entertained for the first 7 days, finally on the last day SJ and I got to watch them in the pool! They both learned alot and it was fun to see them do some "real" swimming, jumping in the deep water and making it to their teachers, and floating on their backs. I didn't get any good action photos but here are a few "poolside".

And waiting patiently out in the heat, the future fish...

Now when we go swimming all together LL will not keep her face out of the water for more than 3 seconds between her dives forward into the water to practice her swimming moves. She's doing pretty well, but the sheer number of times she does it wears me out just watching and we keep saying, "Let's take a break for a minute LL and just play..." to which she replies, "I want to practice...I love it!"

The other big news is that we have another little swimmer who joined our family last week...and he (she?) has his own little "pool" right on our kitchen counter. That's right, it's a real live betta fish, our first family pet. "Swimmy" was given to AG somewhat unexpectedly but has become a welcome addition to our household over the last 10 days. The girls have done well remembering to feed him daily, so if I can remember to change his water and keep SJ from grabbing his bowl, he may have a chance! We can hope...

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