After church Sunday, SJ spent a little time doing one of her favorite outdoor activities: picking "leaps" off the bushes. She always pulls leaves or grass and then walks around chanting, "leaps, leaps, leaps..."

LL and AG have been throwing the frisbee with T, who is excited to recognize that they have some potential to become pretty good throwing partners! They also like it and are better than their mom at keeping it inside the backyard fence. :)

AG flying high on the teeter totter

Sometimes she just looks like such a big girl!

SJ camped out at the bottom of the slide with at least three baby dolls and an assortment of baby supplies. She is at that point where she doesn't want to walk out the door without some collection of items, usually dolls, purses, books, and baby-care stuff.

SJ is such a little character with her array of facial expressions and blossoming sense of humor. She's been talking for a long time and is now taking on lots of multiple word phrases with great zeal. Here are a few things we hear from her the most:
"Lala" and "Gace"- How she says her sisters' names
"coloh-mark"- always together when she talks about crayons, coloring, writing, etc.
"baby-hungy"- time to feed a doll, just "hungy" or "sack" when SJ wants a snack
"stinky bottom"- you know what this means... Wonder if we could avoid having two in diapers this time???
"funny!"- she says this alot whenever she thinks anything is silly
"bet"- her bed, which she loves
"Fella"- originally her name for Cinderella, but works for any princess now
"gone-gone"- letting us know she's out of food or drink
"ooops!"- this one is funny to me because I think I, and the girls, tend to say "uh-
oh" so I don't know where she got oops!
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