At the last minute we decided to leave on Saturday and spend a night on the way rather than drive straight through the whole way, as we'd originally planned. We made a stop at the Florida welcome center for a break on the way, telling the girls, "We're in Florida now!" As soon as we got out of the van to walk inside, LL said, "There will be lots of characters here!" (Thankfully she said this with excitement rather than fear. Can you tell we'd been trying to prep her for the parks since she is usually wary, or worse, of costumed characters?)
After our night en route, the girls knew we were headed to Disney World. First, however, we got in the van and drove around the hotel to the lobby for a quick breakfast before hitting the road. We'd driven no more than one minute, but as soon as we stopped, LL said, "Is this Disney World?!?" Clearly we could not get there fast enough!
So, finally, after arriving Sunday and a chilly evening swim, we started out big on Monday morning at Magic Kingdom. Here are some highlights:
The girls got a good look at the castle on the way in.

Meeting Cinderella's fairy godmother beside the castle (we didn't know we'd coordinated our outfits perfectly with hers!:)

Spinning in the teacups!

This is how SJ entertained herself (and us) while we waited to see Alice!

Everyone was excited to meet "the real" Alice!

Meeting Mickey and Minnie! SJ was fascinated, but kept her distance. In keeping with her other recent statements about gender issues, LL announced afterwards (with her hands on her hips), "I don't like boy Mickeys...I only like girl Minnies!" What a stage 3.5 is!

Riding the train with Nana and Grandpa before the afternoon parade

Another character encounter: Daisy Duck!

Following the parade, we went to storytime with Belle and got to meet her afterwards! LL's question was, "Where is your yellow dress?" Belle said the yellow dress was a very nice dress and she didn't want to get it dirty. All the "cast members" had the answer to everything...I guess you have to if you encounter very many 3-6 year olds!

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