That night we went over to T's uncle/aunt/ cousins' house for dinner (crawfish bisque...mmmm)and gifts. It was such a fun time, as usual, and the girls especially loved playing with their cousins, eating fancy cupcakes, and opening some great surprise gifts. We all slept well that night!
Here are a few peeks at Christmas Eve:
LL's favorite: satsumas! She liked picking them, but she LOVES eating them! She reminds me every time: "I can peel it myself!" And then she can make it disappear quick as a wink, too.

SJ had her eye on the appetizers as she sat with Mimi and PawPaw!

"Happy Birthday, baby Jesus!"

AG and Nana

LL welcomed Curious George to the family!

Playing with their dollhouse from Nana and Grandpa on Christmas morning...AG was totally ready to take charge and carry out her plans for arranging the furniture and people in it as soon as it was assembled. LL and SJ were interested, too, and right after I took this picture, AG told SJ, "SJ, you have a poodle to play with!" as if to convince her baby sister that she should be satisfied with her lovie and leave the dollhouse alone! Thankfully, sharing it has not been such an issue since we got home!

AG the reindeer on the ride to Nanoo's for Christmas Day lunch.

This is one to remember...LL actually touching a big dog with a smile on her face! Thanks to Jackie, Nanoo's niece, for being super patient and sweet with the girls as they got to know AJ (up close) and Buddy (background) that day! We need all the positive dog experiences we can get!

We are thankful to have celebrated another special Christmas with Mimi, PawPaw, Nana, Grandpa, and all the great-aunts, great-uncles, and cousins!
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