Here's the birthday girl just before blowing out her candles. The dessert stand had to settle for holding Sesame Street themed cupcakes today instead of the fine plastic food the girls prepared last night!

Cupcakes...certainly one of the highlights of LL's day!

Bouncing with a few friends...

The three-year-old club!

We were so glad to have all 4 grandparents and Uncle Matthew here! We enjoyed a bit of visiting in the midst of party prep and they all helped a ton, as usual! Here's a sweet shot of the girls with Nana and Grandpa at the end of the party.

LL gets some coaching from Uncle Matthew on "how many" she is now!

We are reminded on days such as this just how much we have to be thankful for!
One other birthday-related bit of info...Yesterday I took LL to the doctor for her well-check and found out she was now inthe 90th percentile on height. Wonder how long it'll take her to catch up with AG?
Happy Birthday LL from your friends in Austin!
Birthday greetings from Virginia, LL! Looks like your mom planned a fun party for you, have fun being 3!
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