PopPop helped the girls take playing in the sand to a whole new level...

and then when the girls buried him, LL wasted no time scooping sand onto his head!

My whole crew...

AG always had a project going...

SJ got a close up view of the waves with PopPop.

Before we went out to lunch one day, I decided it would be a good chance to take a family photo at the beach...all dressed for a change. However, I didn't count on the mid-morning sun being blinding, so this was the only one where someone wasn't covering her eyes or crying... not exactly the best way to create a record of peaceful, fun family memories!

A shadier second attempt after lunch turned out a bit better...

Gran and PopPop with the girls

SJ loved sitting in the water at the edge of the pool...

but she had even more fun in her crab floatie!

Do you think LL had any fun on the big turtle float??

And here's a much more serene LL (and her shadow) on our last afternoon at the beach. It was a wonderful trip and a fun way to conclude our summer!

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