AG finished up swim lessons this week. She enjoyed them alot and is now much more comfortable in the water. Before these lessons, she would barely put her nose for more than a second, and now she will go completely under and hold her breath for a few moments. Yesterday we went to the pool and she kept "swimming" back and forth in the kiddie area, so proud of what she could do. She basically throws herself forward into the water, then kicks and moves her arms until she needs to take a breath, then stands back up. We are glad she has made some progress, but I think now we have to be even more watchful of her than we did when she was not so brave!

LL is loving swimming too, although she is not taking lessons this summer. Yesterday she and AG were taking turns "jumping" off the bottom step in the kiddie pool and "catching" each other! LL was holding her arms out to AG like she does when she is about to catch a ball!
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