Week before last, we had a special day at AG's preschool to wrap up the year. It was a festival to celebrate our state, and the girls had lots of fun with all the games and activities. LL participated in everything that day right along with AG's class. She's been along on all the field trips and special events throughout the year, and our plan is for her to be the "school girl" next year (hopefully in the very same class AG was in), so it was a sort of passing of the torch! Here they are fishing together.

And here's LL very proudly holding out her strawberry-painted hand, though you can't see it!

It's been a while since I've taken any dress-up pictures, so here are some of the latest fashions seen at our house...

The hugs continue!

And if you're looking for us this summer, this is where you'll likely find us! We hope to spend alot of time in the pools at the nearby YMCA. AG is going to take a few lessons, starting later this afternoon. Here is a picture of SJ's first dip ever. She is always flapping her little arms and feet, so I think she's going to be a natural splasher!
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