The weekend between Christmas and New Year's, we went to two weddings with T's family. On Saturday, his parents' dear friends' son got married, and we dared to take all the girls along to the ceremony and reception! It really went pretty well, considering the challenge of keeping them all reasonably settled during the wedding. AG sat with Nana and Grandpa and Uncle Matthew, and LL sat with T while I stood in the back with SJ. At one point LL got a bit restless, and T said he started to sing to her really really quietly, and this was the result:

She slept until we got to the reception! Here's AG with Grandpa and Nana:

and with Uncle Matthew on the walk from the church to the reception:

SJ napped with Nana during the amazes me how little ones can sleep anywhere!

And finally, just about the time we were leaving, we all were awake and managed to all get in front of the camera at the same time!

Here's AG giving SJ a 4 month birthday hug!
The next day we went to T's cousin's wedding and got to see lots of family. We knew the ceremony was going to be really long, so T and I planned to arrive late with LL and SJ while AG went ahead with Nana and Grandpa. By the time we got there she was sacked out on Nana!

But she got some good rest and was ready for a little dancing with LL at the reception!

AG also danced with Grandpa. She seemed to like to stick with familiar dance partners, while LL ran around and danced with alot of complete strangers (kids and friendly grown-ups!).

But of course, one of the highlights of both weddings was the cake! Mmmmm!

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