To read this post as intended, please skip to the next caption (below this first picture) first and read all the way to the bottom, then come back up here... OK, you're back, thanks for your patience! I cannot figure out how to post more than 5 photos at a time without messing up the order, and I usually end up deleting them if I try to move them! (I may be calling one of you more savvy bloggers for a lesson!) Anyway, after all the eating, playing and gift-opening, it was late, but you'd never know it by looking at these two faces, would you?

We spent Christmas Eve with T's family, as usual, and all had a wonderful evening of visiting, enjoying the yummy food, watching the kids play, and opening lots of gifts. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the time.

These are T's (much younger) first cousins with our girls. Hard to believe that L, the oldest, was the flower girl at our wedding when she was just 3 (AG's age and size!) and at that time, they were expecting L's younger sister, A!
SJ got lots of attention, as you can see! From left to right, Grandpa (T's dad), Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Edith, and Great Aunt Camille (also known as Nanoo, Grandpa's sister, and Bill's wife!) make sure she gets some good face-time before bedtime!
This is how LL spent alot of her time that night (with equal time given to putting the food in her mouth!). She still had a bit of room left for dinner even after eating all the appetizers within reach.
L, A, Uncle Matthew, LL, AG, T's first cousin A, and Grandpa gather around to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. The birthday cake (or cupcakes) are always the kids favorite dessert!
LL showed PawPaw how she helped make one of the gifts the girls gave him and Mimi.
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