Sunday, August 26, 2007
Off to Neverland...
We had a nice relaxing weekend here at home, and I totally let myself rest as much as I wanted. I have realized this time that, despite the fact that the house is not spotless and I have some projects yet to do, we will be bringing this baby home, Lord willing, to a MUCH more settled "nest" than ever before, since AG was came one month after we moved into our house and we had dozens of boxes yet to unpack, and then with LL we'd scheduled a major reflooring job for the week before she was due and then she surprised us early, and we came home to most of our furniture and our refrigerator all crammed into our family room. So it's been nice this time to take it a bit easier, though now we are probably even more ready for some action!
Today I went in to let AG know her rest time was over (since it was a "no napper") and she immediately told me she was "playing Wendy" (from Peter Pan) and then gathered up a host of dolls and animals to play all the roles in the story. Then for the entire rest of the afternoon and night she expected to be referred to only as "Wendy" and she did not fail to call LL "L Michael" or "Michael L"continually, as this is LL's assigned role since "Michael has to be somebody with hair." She asked T to be the crocodile and then directed him to get on his "tummy"... he cleverly sought another role and she said, "Oh, you can't be the crocodile because you can't open your mouth wide enough?" This PP theme continued for her without a break. Later when she and T were playing around she accidently knocked off and broke his glasses (which thankfully he was able to fix...). Anyway, LL started chanting, "Daddy broke it...Daddy broke it" and AG said, "I broke, I'm sorry, WENDY broke them!" On and on I could go, but you get the picture. As for my part in the storyline, I was flattered to be "Mommy Tinkerbell"...any help I can get in imagining myself as lightweight and perky right now is welcomed!
Hope you all have had a nice weekend and your week is off to a great start!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Leapin' Lizards
Baby update: Still waiting! Since LL came 8 days early, I must admit I am kind of surprised to have had no major sign of action just 3 days from our due date. Of course we are trying to be simultaneously patient and ready to head to the (blessedly nearby) hospital at a moment's notice, since surely she will come sometime soon... For the last two days T's been suggesting that I jump around to get things going, so maybe we should just let some more lizards into the house...
We appreciate everyone's prayers in these days of anticipation and wondering, and we'll keep you posted as we have news to share!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Babes in Toyland

AG's New Endeavors

Monday, August 13, 2007
Big Ideas
She's also been measuring things lately, and reports statistics like, "You're twenty thousand tall" or "You're leg is twenty four." The other day she told me my nose was "one and a half hours."
Last week her preschool teacher came over to meet her and visit before school starts in a few weeks. And today, just a few hours from now, she will go to her first dance lesson! It seems that as my own social calendar is in a bit of a lull, hers in getting unusually full...although I guess at 3, her social calendar is mine and vice versa! So, in these days of 100+ temps and waiting for the baby to come, we are glad to have some diversions! We'll keep you posted on upcoming events and news...
All Dressed Up...

She's not always into hats, but add a cute pair of sunglasses and she even wanted to keep this look inside!
Here she is looking up at one of the many planes that flies over our house:

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Weekend Update

The girls were not sad to see us leave that night, if they even noticed, as they were watching the Mary Martin version of Peter Pan with Nana. AG has not stopped talking about it since then and gives glowing reviews of it all, along with a pretty thorough explanation of how this movie differs from the Peter Pan book she's read at Nana's and the animated version she watched there before. AG seems to like the fact that Captain Hook was not at all scary in the older movie, although LL has been going around all day saying, "Captain Hook...mean guy!" and while playing her little animal sound game she said, "Alligator say...tick tock!"
This is the scene T came inside to find after spending a few hours working on the yard this a.m.:
He's not usually one to spot a photo op and grab the camera, but he couldn't pass this up! Needless to say, it was a lazy Saturday morning for 3 (or 4?) members of our family! He got a little time to relax with the girls later, too:
We're trying to get a few things done, but mostly just enjoying these last days before things get kicked up a few notches around here when a certain little someone arrives!
Hope you all are having a relaxing and fun weekend, too!
Doodle Bug, Big Sister Lessons, etc...

Another day, she drew a big circle on her doodle board and said, "This is your tummy" (to me, of was a pretty big round oval!) Then she drew the baby inside, with arms, and my head, neck, and legs. Here's the finished work...(looks familiar to me!):

There's been alot of talk this week from AG about when and why babies need bibs, pacifiers, car seats, etc. Here she is giving LL lessons on how to be a big sister to a little baby:
And here's one of LL being the caretaker of one of her babies...Got milk?
*OK, when I wrote that earlier I was referring to her milky "soul patch," but now as take a second look at the picture I realized that, based on the doll's positioning, you could be taking my question another way... Anyway...
Hope y'all are having a good Saturday afternoon!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Leader of the Pack

Hope y'all have a good Monday!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
"bunna"=banana (one of her first words, and she still likes the shortened
"Avrace sleeping/nightnight/kiss"= always talking about her big sis!
"colo sheep"= she's always called crayons "colos" but lately has added
a new word to let us know she wants a coloring sheet!
"rock/swing/play. Minutes"= this is how she let's us know she wants to
do the activity she is currently doing a few more minutes.
"music on"= said about a dozen times a was the first thing she
said this morning when I went to get her out of bed.
"clown nice"= we saw a clown yesterday at the library and she was a little
unsure about it; since then she's reminded herself of these
reassuring words from Mom regularly!
"Daddy/Avrace/Mommy slilly"= letting us know she thinks we're silly
sometimes, too!
"(animal name) say....(sound)"= a current favorite game, she randomly
starts this and her favorites are lions, tiger, and bees.
"drummond"- drum. She used to say "drum" but we got this little book
at Chick-Fil-A about a boy named Drummond, so I think this confused her.
Another cute confusion: Just this morning, I gave her a sucker on the way to Bible study, and from then on she's randomly been saying "soccer ball"...I think she is calling her sucker a soccer ball!
It's so fun to see how quickly she's filling in the blanks on songs she loves to sing, too. She can make it through the ABCs, but this is what it sounds like: "ABCDeeefFG.HIJKOOOOP.QRSTyoufV.WXYandZ." "Frinkle, Frinkle Little Star" is another one she's adding to each day! She's sure to have a good stock of ways to entertain a little sister when the time comes...