We moved almost a year ago with an easygoing "baby" who crawled and tolerated baby food, and now we have a bubbly, chattering, entertainer who wears ponytails, sings entire songs, and constantly reminds us that she can do things her"seff"! In the last few weeks she has started counting out loud, singing the ABCs, and saying a few nursery rhymes pretty well, and her favorite songs include several that the ladies in the church nursery sing every week... which have fun motions that LL really gets into!
Of course her budding independence and will also bring opportunities for a variety of interactions with her sister, and LL seems to like to get her hands into AG's food, toys, and hair (with a pull!) so we are having to referee more squabbles and discipline more these days. Thankfully though, at this point, they both let things go pretty quickly and enjoy having hug fests a lot more, it seems. LL wants to repeatedly go to AG and her Daddy for one "more kiss" throughout our bedtime routine, and, best of all, she still snuggles with us, likes to rock, and seems like my baby!
Here are a few more recent photos:

Trying hard to fill Daddy's shoes...
Discovering a taste for pesto at Gran and PopPop's...
and displaying her picture "smile" for the camera after swimming at Nana and Grandpa's. She smiles (her real smile!) alot, and we absolutely can't get enough of her sweet dimples! On that topic...last week we were rehearsing each other's facial features and when I pointed out LL's dimples, AG said, "I don't have dimples...I just have teeth!" Guess we can't all be so lucky, huh?
Hard to believe our "little one" is about to be a big sister herself! Baby girl #3 will be blessed to have plenty of helping hands and entertainment, no doubt!
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