We had a snack on the front porch (see LL's pesto pic below!) and explored and played. We came across a box of my old books, everthing from ones I loved as a little girl to novels I read in my Senior English class, and read a few (see below). LL for some reason latched onto Lord of the Flies...needless to say it'll be a while before we attempt to read that one with her! That night, AG slept upstairs for the first time in my old bedroom! It was quite a step for her and we were all very proud (and glad because this will make accommodating a newborn easier next time we visit!). Sunday after church, Gran and PopPop took us to lunch at the restaurant where T's and my rehearsal dinner was held. This was really special...it was the first time T and I have been back together since that night almost 6.5 years ago, and although the place hadn't changed, it was neat to realize how much our lives had changed since then and to be there with our expanded family!
Sunday afternoon AG and LL's great aunt and uncle came to visit and we all had cookies and homemade ice cream...our first of the summer...what a treat! Thanks, Gran and PopPop, for a fun visit!
So now here we are, back at home, settling in to await the arrival of baby sister sometime in the next 6 weeks. I am hoping the urge to nest will strike me soon, because for now, lying on the couch reading or sleeping whenever the girls are asleep is way more appealing than any of the sewing, cleaning, or scrapbooking projects I really hope and need to get done before she arrives! We'll see... Hope y'all have a good week!
Trying hard to fill Daddy's shoes...
Discovering a taste for pesto at Gran and PopPop's...
and displaying her picture "smile" for the camera after swimming at Nana and Grandpa's. She smiles (her real smile!) alot, and we absolutely can't get enough of her sweet dimples! On that topic...last week we were rehearsing each other's facial features and when I pointed out LL's dimples, AG said, "I don't have dimples...I just have teeth!" Guess we can't all be so lucky, huh?
Hard to believe our "little one" is about to be a big sister herself! Baby girl #3 will be blessed to have plenty of helping hands and entertainment, no doubt!
AG with Gran after lunch... how did AG end up with such a clean face?
Ketchupy LL models a cap and checks out her own little chicken fingers.
And below, checking out flowers in the matching dresses Gran and PopPop brought them from Hawaii.
I took this one this morning during one of the many happy sisterly moments they share. They really are sweet together most of the time...
AG, LL, John, and Aubrey played in the sand beside the mountain of seaweed!
LL also enjoyed the pool...
and AG discovered a "shell phone" on the balcony!
Here's another shot of our littlest sweet girl with her sweet treat: Pure sugary delight!