Yesterday we had an all-day visit from Gran and PopPop. They came early and stayed with the girls while I went to my 30 week appointment (yes, just 10 weeks to go, if that! Suddenly the end of August seems very close! All's going well still, thankfully). Later that morning we went to see some "Aztec" dancing at the library and then met T at the park for lunch. Here are the girls swinging in "big girl" swings...even LL, with Gran standing by!
Clearly AG knows all about this swinging stuff.
One more picture of T with his girls on Sunday before church (notice the Mardi Gras beads...). We had a nice relaxing Father's Day which was only darkened slightly for T by the fact that Tiger did not win.
This picture was taken in our front yard and reminded me of another recent happening that hit close to home. Yesterday, as I was putting the girls down for naps after our park playtime I heard a strange noise, but didn't think much of it until my Dad came in from running an errand and told us there'd been a pretty bad wreck outside. I went out to see a smashed up car sitting in our next door neighbor's front yard (which is behind T and the girls in the picture above) and one of the pretty big crepe myrtles directly across the street from us totally uprooted. The details are sketchy, but we know that this guy whose mom lives down the street from us somehow drove across the street, sidewalk on the opposite side, and through three front yards, before knocking down the tree across from us and coming back across to our side, ending up in our neighbor's yard facing the direction from which he came. He was not seriously hurt (although he left the scene in an ambulance), and other than the tree and lots of broken glass/car debris in the street, sidewalk, and yard beside us, there was not too much damage left behind. But what a crazy event! The timing was truly merciful since there was no one in the yards or on the sidewalk where lots of neighborhood people (including us and the girls!) walk and play everyday.
And that's about it for now... other than an upcoming few days at the beach, we don't have too much going on this summer (well, other than the obvious anticipated "arrival" at the end of August!). So if any of you out there want to "add your name to our guest book" over the next few months, just let us know!
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