It's been awhile since I posted...and there are several reasons for that. One is that these are some of the only viewable pictures taken recently and will likely be the last I'll post until a new camera is settled on, since when our camera does take pictures now they all look like they are on fire. As Trey said the other day, "We could make a scary movie with this camera now." Another reason is that I've gotten bitten by the sewing bug (really for the first time ever) and have been spending most of my "down time" on that machine instead of this one. Maybe I'm nesting early? And then, also, we've been spending more time outside with the pretty days (although 90 degrees is certainly too hot for the first week of May!) and with the addition of a new piece of play equipment, pictured here. I came across it a few weeks ago at a mega-garage sale held at a church in our neighborhood, and I must say it is the best $2 we ever spent! The girls both love it (although you couldn't tell LL does from her expression here, but maybe that's headlock induced!) and it's small enough, as you can see, so LL was able to learn to climb and slide all by herself very quickly.

Another thing of interest in our backyard came to light today. Over the last month, we've seen a raccoon in our backyard about half a dozen times...always while we were inside, during the day, and I assumed he was just passing through since he usually came from the same direction and went out over our fence in the same spot. Well today, Trey and I were sitting outside on the patio around noon when who should come over the fence in his usual exit spot but the big and brave raccoon? And he proceeded to ignore my "shoos" and run right across our yard in front of us and climb the big tree in OUR yard, going into a hole about 40 feet up (between the lowest branches) which we never knew was there before and which we now know must be his home. Then this evening, after the girls ate supper out on the patio, we were watching some squirrels run up the tree when suddenly LL started pointing way up high and saying, "Doggie! Doggie!" This would have seemed weird, but since he'd given himself away just a few hours earlier, it was no surprise when I looked up and saw the raccoon absolutely stretched out on a branch, no doubt just reclining comfortably on his "front porch" at the end of a long day. AG said, "Is that OUR raccoon?" (and we thought we were a petless family!!)We watched him for a long time and AG concluded that he's a nice raccoon, but I hope she doesn't get too attached because a plan has already been made involving a trap and a call to Animal Control so that our very tiny "garden" can remain intact and the other obvious risks can be avoided!

That's about it for now! Hope everyone will have a good weekend and a Happy early Mother's Day to our friends and family!
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