Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Waking up with the Birds

This morning I had one of those moments when I knew before I even opened my eyes that it was a beautiful day. First of all, I'd slept in after T left for work, and felt rested when I woke up on my own (!!!). With my eyes still closed, I could tell that the sunlight was already streaming in the windows. But the most notable part of the experience as I took my time "waking up" was the overwhelming sound of birds... a veritable chorus of the most beautiful birdsongs I ever remembered hearing. "Wow, that's amazing," I thought..."Spring must really be on the way! Those birds are going nuts!" I must say it was quite a relaxing sound, and I enjoyed listening from my cozy haven. A while later, when AG awoke and came into my room, I realized there was something I didn't hear... the "waterfall" of the noise machine T always turns on in the hallway when he gets up to get ready for work. "Maybe it's drowned out by the birds..." It was only after getting out of bed and having trouble finding a working clock that I realized the power had gone out briefly...just long enough for the noise machine to reset itself from "waterfall" to "rainforest"...apparently a rainforest with plenty of birds. No wonder I'd never heard such amazing birdcalls outside my windows before! Oh well, it was a beautiful day anyway, and Spring is still on the way!

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