AG is such a little thinker, planner, and explainer...I guess all almost-three-year olds have these characteristics, but I can't help but be amazed and often amused when those little wheels are spinning in her head and I get to witness the gestures, facial expressions, and articulations that go along with them! It seems she is constantly figuring out what needs to happen, why it should happen, and how it can best happen (from her perspective!). I know the whole process is going on, even when I only catch fragments of yesterday, as we drove to the store, she said, "And when the new baby comes it can ride in Laura's seat and she can ride in my lap."
A while back, we were on our way to take a pair of tennis shoes to Trey at work so he could play tennis with a coworker later that day. I told her we were taking him his shoes, and she said, "Is Daddy walking tippy-toes?" like she does sometimes when she is shoeless outside the house.
Because so much of what she says these days makes perfect sense and she knows so much, it's even funnier when things happen that make us realize there's still SO much to learn... Last week Trey's parents came to stay with the girls while we traveled and the night before we left, I was in LL's room doing something when I overheard "Nana" telling AG about cherry blossoms (a conversation brought about by a tube of cherry blossom hand cream AG'd just discovered and, of course, the fact that we just happened to be heading to DC the next morning). I even heard her tell AG, "Go tell your mom that cherry blossoms come from Washington DC" so, needless to say, I thought I knew what to expect when AG bopped into the room with her announcement: "Mommy, cherry blossoms come from washing machines!" I still wonder if she thinks I just went away and did laundry somewhere else for a few days...:)