The girls have been hanging in there on these chilly, damp days, and thankfully, we've had more opportunities (ie Mommy's had more energy) to get out and go lately. They each have their favorites when we are playing at home. AG has started carrying her beloved bear, given to her by two of my dear friends and previously firmly planted in the corner of her bed 99% of the time, around on her household errands, which include frequent trips to Wal-Mart, Target, the grocery store, the mall... where does she get these ideas, I wonder? She makes all sorts of concoctions with her play food and puts them out on the dining table most evenings for us to enjoy with dinner, and she always warns us when something is hot or tangy. Just a few minutes ago, after being left in bed for her usual afternoon "resttime," she got out of bed and, in that painfully obvious stalling sort of way told me she needed to go to the potty. After a few minutes of privacy, I went in and was treated to this conversation:
AG: Mommy, my mouth doesn't feel good.
Me: What does it feel like?
AG: It feels like I don't need to sleep right now.
I had to laugh, and then I had to get her right back to bed...there are some parts of our routine that are just not up for debate right now, no matter how her mouth feels about it.
LL loves her Pooh bear and has taken a liking to the couple of Maisy books we have, which she prefers for Trey to read to her. It's so fun to watch her get a book, come toward us with it, then turn around a few feet away and back up until she gets to us and plops down in our lap. This is also her method for sitting in the little white rocker...although sometimes her backing radar is more accurate than others. She also has cut a couple of new teeth over the last few days...I just saw a new one sparkling at me this a.m. while she ate breakfast. After cutting her first 8 within a few weeks around 6 months, I guess it's been time for another round of teething, so thankfully she seems to have made it through fairly smoothly so far. She and AG have been having lots of fun together playing in their kitchen and pushing each other around on the little riding truck. It is truly a delightful blessing to hear them laughing together. Of course, having a toddling sister who loves to get into things also gives AG plenty of challenges, so we are all figuring out how to manage those situations day by day.
So all is well here, thankfully, in the land of king cakes and Mardi Gras decor. We may be brave (or crazy?) and take the girls to a parade over the weekend. Hope each of you is having a great week where you are!
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