Today LL and I played outside while AG napped, and it was just plain warm! Not that I'm complaining... I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather ,so 70s the week before Christmas is just fine with me. LL loves being outside, so it seems to agree with her, too. Today instead of the acorns, she was most interested in the leaves (which are taking over our yard, despite Trey's valiant efforts to keep up with them!) and the blue ball, which has recently inspired new verbage! She's busy adding words... lately she's said "boo" (book), "Nigh Nigh" before she goes to bed, and tonight she perfectly pronounced "Dadeee!" and "Momeee!", almost in the same breath (no favoritism here!) So, rather than chattering teeth, this December finds us with a pair of chattering sweeties.
Whatever your weather, we wish for you a wonderful Christmas!
For some reason, I can really see a resemblence b/t you and LL in these pictures... she is so big walking around with all those teeth! What a cutie!
I bet you are amazed all the time at the things that amaze them! Your girls are so cute! Cant wait to hang out after the holidays!
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