We enjoyed time with family last weekend and will be making another trip this weekend to see more. The girls love all the attention, of course, and have had lots of fun with their grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. We hope you all are well and will have a very happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you in 2007!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Very Merry Christmas
We enjoyed time with family last weekend and will be making another trip this weekend to see more. The girls love all the attention, of course, and have had lots of fun with their grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. We hope you all are well and will have a very happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you in 2007!
Visions of (our) Sugar Plums...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Is it really December?
Today LL and I played outside while AG napped, and it was just plain warm! Not that I'm complaining... I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather ,so 70s the week before Christmas is just fine with me. LL loves being outside, so it seems to agree with her, too. Today instead of the acorns, she was most interested in the leaves (which are taking over our yard, despite Trey's valiant efforts to keep up with them!) and the blue ball, which has recently inspired new verbage! She's busy adding words... lately she's said "boo" (book), "Nigh Nigh" before she goes to bed, and tonight she perfectly pronounced "Dadeee!" and "Momeee!", almost in the same breath (no favoritism here!) So, rather than chattering teeth, this December finds us with a pair of chattering sweeties.
Whatever your weather, we wish for you a wonderful Christmas!
Where the Wild Things Are
Yes, as you can see, we made another trip to the zoo last weekend! This time we had special guests...Gran and PopPop, who came to town to visit and babysit while Trey and I went to his company Christmas party later that night (no, the post title is not meant as a reference to the party!). As usual, we loved seeing the white tiger, elephants, and other beautiful and interesting creatures, but this time we saw the elephant "show" for the first time. We had no idea those guys (actually girls, I think) could do such cool tricks!
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Notice any similarities? As I watched LL with the acorns, I was reminded of this day with AG over a year and a half ago. We couldn't get her to take her eyes off the flowers for anything! Of dozens of bluebonnet pictures, there may be one where she's not completely focused on the bright blooms. Understandable, right? They are beautiful, and this spring I am sure they'll be yet another thing to miss about Texas. (Unless, of course, we can time a trip back to visit just right!) LL seems to find the millions of acorns in our backyard equally interesting, however, which is kind of cute but also dangerous, since she still loves to put everything in her mouth and these little treasures are perfectly chokable! So we keep a close eye on her while she keeps a close eye on them. Gran showed AG how their little caps fit on like hats, so instead of sweet baby pictures in the midst of a field of bluebonnets, with LL we'll have them in a yard of brownbonnets.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Breakfast with Santa

Monday, December 11, 2006
A World of Wonder
AG is our little chatterbox...constantly asking questions, giving directions and explaining things as only a two-and-a-half year old can. She loves to be silly and joke around, but then there are the times when she unintentionally cracks us up with her pearls of toddler reasoning. Not to knock it...anyone who's been around a child this age can attest to how clever they are...and occasionally their little minds put things together in a way that is so sensible and yet so unexpected and well, just plain precious. Like Friday night, we'd told AG she could watch "Rudolph" before she went to bed, so all through dinner she kept asking, "Is Rudolphin on yet?" And Sunday morning, as I was getting dressed for church, she rubbed her hand on my panty-hosed foot and asked, "Are these your water hose?" I am both amused and amazed by her ideas...seems like just yesterday she started talking... and we can't wait to hear what she comes out with next!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
'Tis the Season...

Very Special Guests

(above: LL chills with Aunt Nanoo and a book, below: all smiles after lunch with Mimi, PawPaw, and Aunt Ramona).

Friday, December 01, 2006
Friday Night Lights

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