The scariest thing here in our neighborhood on Halloween night was not the costumed spooks running around candy-crazed...it was the swarms of all-too-real mosquitoes giving any little vampires a run for their money! (Welcome to the swamp!) But would we let them stop us from rounding the block to collect candy with our two little sweeties? Oh no! We simply put the "Off" on and hit the streets! AG loved wearing her fairy princess dress, crown, and wand (thanks Nana and Grandpa!) and saying "Tricktortreat" and "Tanktoo" to all the neighbors, and LL was pretty much just along for the moonlight wagon ride in her jack-o-lantern bloomers since we can still pretend like candy doesn't exist with her at this point (although she did enjoy chewing on an unopened bag of M&M's some of the way!).
So cute!!
Hey Jessica! Thanks for the link to the blog. The girls are getting to big! Have a great Thanksgiving.
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