AG has come down with a case of the sillies over the last few months. It's always been one of our favorite pastimes to make her laugh, but more and more it seems she is the one making us laugh. For a few weeks she's been randomly taking off her shorts and I think she thinks it's fun to run around in her diaper whether Mommy notices or not, but the other day she came bopping into the room making sure I would take note... because she had her shorts on her head! Thankfully, the camera was handy, so you can see, too. Another example of her silliness is that for a few weeks each night when I ask her what story she wants to read, she'd say "green beans." I'd kind of laugh and was thinking, "OK, maybe there's something in one of her books about green beans...one day I'll figure it out." But tonight when I asked which book, she said, "Lima beans!" It is really fun to see what she will come up with next these days.
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