We have two little pigs at our house...two cute little blonde-haired, blue-eyed pigs. LL has gotten into "baby" food, literally, with gusto over the last few months, and now that she has three (almost four!) teeth, I imagine that it won't take her long to get into the real stuff, too. Here's a picture of her showing off her teeth after enjoying some peas. The other day AG decided to help herself to some raisins...alot of raisins. Mommy was distracted when this self-serve operation began, so I don't know how much of the mountain she had done away with before I noticed. And then she had another culinary adventure, one she certainly had to have before we left Texas...her first Whataburger! Although she seemed to think the burger was OK, she was much more impressed with the fries, and her Daddy will probably remember to get his own next time! (Notice the ketchup pool she made for her fries on top of her hamburger?) LL watched patiently from a high chair, as you can see. Maybe next time we come to Austin she can have her own burger... (PS: You've probably noticed that the photos are usually out of the order referenced in my writings...I try to get them right, but it never works, and I'm trusting that you can figure out which is which!)