Nov.19: PopPop's birthday, and he and Gran came to celebrate with us! We went to the park for some playtime and took a few pics that ended up making our Christmas card. Photo credits to PopPop for the family shot!
Cake back at home...of course he got lots of help with all those candles!
SA was baptized the next day with Nana, Grandpa, Gran, and PopPop there to witness it. He wore the gown made by Mimi and worn by several of his great aunts and uncles, T, Uncle Matthew, AG, and RL. We are all so thankful for him!
Thanksgiving week we went to visit Gran and PopPop and had a chance to catch up with my friend H and all 3 of her kids! Lots of fun, even in the rain!
Then we went on to Nana and Grandpa's on Thanksgiving day and the kids had fun helping Grandpa make a turkey centerpiece!
RL double-spooning his "oapmeal"
and showing that his similarities with AG go beyond their appearance...he loves to line up his toys just like she did!
Back home on Nov. 28, we celebrated my birthday with a cake chosen by the kids!
Our bouncing baby tipping the scales at around 15 pounds and doing pretty well sleeping most nights. He is getting the hang of smiling back at all of our adoring faces, cooing alot, and giving us the occasional precious giggle. As you can see his has lots of admirers!
A few pics of our annual "breakfast with Santa" visit at T's office...
LL lost her first tooth on Dec. 6...and T pulled his first!
More SA...
RL graduated into the family toddler bed on Dec. 10! He loves sleeping in his "new bed", with Ralph, of course.
LL hopped in for a bedtime snuggle...not so long ago this was her bed!
RL discovered that T's computer cord works great when his trucks need a fill-up!
Gran and PopPop came and took the girls and me to the Nutcracker on Dec. 17. We all enjoyed the show...and T gave SA his first bottle while we were out!