The days fly by, and I am getting behind on recording anything about them here, but I'm going to try to do a little catching up. These are exciting days at our house as the kids hit milestones galore. Take last night, for example...LL lost her first tooth and SJ went to sleep for the first time ever without sucking her thumb (with the help of a little duck tape...on her thumb, not her mouth!). As for the boys, RL has been making as much progress with the potty as we have the time to allow, and SA is growing like crazy. At 7 weeks old (3 weeks ago) he weighed 13 pounds, 7 ounces! I will post more about him soon. Here are some pics going all the way back to Halloween...
Ready to trick-or-treat in the new neighborhood

LL sharing candy...

and RL begging for more!

Don't tell the other cowboys he was wearing his sister's boots!

Reading together...


RL calls SA "SySy"

More storytime

I never get tired of watching RL play!

We picked about 40 satsumas in our backyard this year!