AG and Aubrey the evening we arrived
All the kids had fun in the sandbox and sprinkler that night. We also had some of our favorite TX bbq from Rudy's and a great visit with another family we've missed alot these last years!
This one cracked me up because I first thought it was "censored"! Turns out RL is just toting some kind of toy tool box after being stripped of his wet and sandy clothes!
Saturday morning we went to visit T's hometown friend JD and his beautiful family. We had lots of fun catching up over lunch and watching the houseful of girls (our three + their three) play can imagine! RL held his own despite all the frilly silliness around him!
That night the kids watched a movie at the Ps house and the Daddies took charge while M and I went to a fun girls' night at another friend's house. The next morning we went to worship at our Austin church's new location, which wasn't built yet last time we were there. So good to be there and to see lots of dear friends and their growing kids! Then to visit more friends, the McA's; we always love to catch up with them and are thankful they have some family in our new city which gives us more chances to see them! Then back to RR for dinner with the Ps at Chuy's...oh my, I had forgotten just how awesome those fresh flour tortillas are! Definitely worth a wait for a table, and I will be making a few calls to see if I can find a place here that makes their own really soon :).
A was sweet to share her room with our girls for 4 nights! They were chatty after lights-out a few times, but really did great all together!
More to come...