AG and fellow flower girl, SS. They had such fun together!
It was a beautiful Springish day! We loved being out in the sunshine.
Jules looked so beautiful!
AG did great in her role and beamed the whole time! Here we are after the ceremony. Only RL was missing...we let him nap at Nana and Grandpa's during the wedding since he probably would have "not fully appreciated" (read "totally disrupted") the wedding.
Gran and PopPop were there!
AG overlooking the reception area
Sweet LL: I wondered back in the fall when Jules asked AG to be in the wedding how LL would deal with it. I'm so grateful to be able to say there was not a moment of anything but happiness from her through all the months of anticipation and through the event itself. We have plenty of sisterly squabbles, but it is so good to see times when they are genuinely happy and content.
Lovely Aunt Jess with SJ and LL
and AG
The two Js
So happy for this sweet friend!
Practicing their bubble-blowing for the going away...
Beside the fountain in the courtyard where the reception was held...almost the exact spot T proposed 10.5 years before!
RL as we drove back home...a sure sign he was exhausted since he almost never sleeps in the car.
It was such a fun weekend and we give thanks for having so much to celebrate with dear friends and family over these weeks!