I'm sure we're not the only family that's been a little busy over the last weeks! We had a great Christmas, and I hope to get photos of our various celebrations posted over the next few days. But backing up a bit more, here are a few pre-Christmas memories...
This year the "Breakfast with Santa" event at T's office was back on. Even though we don't "do" Santa at home, it's a fun thing for the family, and it was RL's first time to meet the white beard. He was a brave little guy!

The girls were cute with Santa...

We've had warm days interspersed with cold...a nice break! RL likes getting out.

RL got into some cans from my grocery bags before they made it to the pantry one day, and before I knew it he was stacking them! And holding onto them with one hand surprisingly well, I thought...

The girls were so eager to help decorate the tree, which took a few days of hanging ornaments during RL's naps. A few times they dressed up to do shows in front of the tree. LL really likes to style her own hair and has a deep appreciation for a good comb-over! :)

AG and LL got to dance at a nursing home with their dance class on Dec. 16. They danced to and signed to a sweet version of "Silent Night."

Just before going out to see Christmas lights in pjs...

RL frequently walks around with something hanging out of his mouth and both hands full...

He's developing a sense of humor...loves to laugh when we are laughing!

The girls made this contraption one day...I can't remember what they called it, but they do things like this alot. They also have been riding around on my broom as a horse for months, which inspired one of our Christmas gifts to them...more about that later.

Talk to the hand :)

New Christmas pjs...

A few holiday quotes from LL:
*While we were decorating, she kept asking, "When are we going to hang the utinsil?"
*She asked me to sing "Rudolph" over and over so she could learn the reindeers' names, then later I heard her singing, "You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, doorbells and sleighbells, and schnitzel with noodles..."
*We always turn our tree lights off when we leave home,but I'd decided to leave them on while we went to our neighbors' Christmas party. As we walked home I saw that the lights were off, and when I asked why, LL said, "I turned them off because I didn't want the tree to run out of batteries!"