I've been taking lots of pictures of SJ lately...I can't resist. I also can't resist posting them for those of you who love this precious little girl as much as we do! With AG and LL seeming so much more like "bigger sisters" and growing up in so many ways, I don't want to take these round-cheeked, hug-around-the-legs days for granted. They pass so quickly!
Smoothie face, smoothie smiles

Loving her baby brother

Lots of people say RL looks like SJ...hmmmmm...

Developing her fence-walking skills

Sacked out after a fun morning at a friend's birthday party last Saturday. (The tatoos did come off:)


I also want to remember the cute things she says because I know they'll gradually get filtered out and be gone and forgotten if I don't write them down. Here a few:
-She calls us "y'all" alot, as in "Wait for me, y'all!" and "I'm right here, y'all!" I definitely don't question where she got this :) but it's unique to hear because AG and LL didn't use it like that...still don't.
-"I can't able to go to sleep." She went through a phase of getting out of bed a minute after we left the room and telling us she couldn't sleep. Hopefully we're past that, but I must admit it was cute!
-She calls jeans "jings", green "greeng" and likes to help "cling up" any messes.
-She refers to AG and LL as "my sisters."
-Yesterday morning when I asked what cereal she'd like for breakfast, she told me, "I would like some ring popses." (she meant corn pops)
-While she's not really obstinate, she sometimes flips into "contradict mode". For example, sometimes if I say, "Yes, you do" she'll say "Yes, I don't" or she'll say things like "I'm not a treasure from God!" in response to me if I tell her she is!
She went through a phase where if I called her any nickname or silly name, she'd say, "I'm not ____, I'm SJ!!!"
-She just told me it was "thirty o'clock".