The next day the girls got to harvest the first vegetables they ever planted themselves: turnips. Gran had helped AG and LL plant the seeds in her flowerbed back at Christmas, and I don't think she expected them to actually grow into three gigantic turnips, right there next to her flowers. Here's LL pulling one with a hand from Gran.

Here's SJ pulling one with a hand from AG. Just kidding, I just got my pictures mixed up.
Here's AG's turnip. How cool to grow something you can eat! Or grow something at all, actually...I did not inherit my mother's green thumb, so I am glad AG has two grandmothers (and a Mimi!) who can actually keep plants alive and thriving. I'll just take care of the cooking...we roasted the turnips when we got home!

SJ had her first visit to the Bunny Yard...I don't know what else to call it. This is our third year to go there; it's in my parents' town and these people have decorated their yard with hundreds of rabbits, eggs, and various other Easter/Springish decor. It is quite a spectacle.
Rabbits on a train, they got 'em. Rabbits having a tea party, riding bikes, ferris wheels, swings, climbing ladders? They got 'em.
Girls who had a great time visiting their grandparents? We got 'em!
We chugged on back home later that day and they slept later the next morning than they have in...maybe ever. Thanks, Gran, PopPop, Nana and Grandpa for a busy, fun, special weekend!