A room full of friends and lots of yummy food... they had a fabulous time!
Enjoying their cookies in an out of the way spot... notice the watermelon juice on LL's top.
AG and I went Christmas caroling with a small group to a few neighbors of the party's hosts. It was a fun night for us all!
Hope you all are enjoying your preparations and celebrations of this most special season!
Finally it was our turn to visit with Santa. LL wasn't sure about him at all, even with T standing by. AG, however, was a pro this year.
It took a minute for me to get LL to face the camera for this next shot. I don't think she was sure she wanted to turn her back on the bearded guy.
LL did sit on his lap again, but still not for long and again, not happily. She talked all the way home about it: "I didn't don't like Santa, Mommy."
SJ had some good cuddle time with Nanoo, the sweet great-aunt whose birthday she shares.
Here's our family of 5...SJ is snug as a bug in a sling!
LL got into a game of peekaboo from under her hat with Gran.
After another family visit on Saturday with my uncles, aunt, and cousins, we came back to our house. It was a fun holiday and we loved getting to spend time with so many special people. We have so much to be thankful for!