Thursday, April 26, 2007
Busy Bees
LL at 18 Months
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Thirteenth: The Thirty, The Third, and The Three Thousand
Bouncing Babies
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Cry Me a River
Later that evening after bathtime, I got the bright idea to trim AG's hair. She was not in agreement that this needed to happen, despite several efforts to convince her, including my mom and I saying she could sit on the rocking horse during the trim and that Gran would photograph the event. Finally, Gran said, "AG, if we don't do it now, I won't have any pictures of your three year old haircut!" Without hesitation and in her best fake-sympathy voice, AG said, "Poor Gran!" Needless to say, we all got a good laugh but nobody got a haircut that night...
April Showers...
Monday, April 02, 2007
More Birthday Fun
Yesterday morning AG went to Sunday school for the very first time and was so proud to show us the activity she did there. In the evening we went to a church crawfish boil, which fit right in with the other festive events of the weekend. Then this morning (since today is her actual birthday) we had a little party here at home with some of her friends. She has been talking about this for weeks and very thoroughly describing where everyone would sit, what they would do, and so forth. Here she is having lunch with some of her friends:
Thankfully the weather cooperated and we were able to play outside. It was a great way to mark the day! Here are a few more fun facts about AG at three:
*She tells me, "I'm going to do a little EMA-mail" and then pulls out her little Laugh-Top computer...hmmmm, wonder where she got that idea??
*Every time she gets undressed she says, "Now I'm a nun!" This idea got started when she was just a baby and Trey would pull her shirt back over her hair and say, "You look like a nun!" After all this time, she now thinks being naked equals being a nun, which will surely get cleared up sometime soon since...
*She is getting really into the Sound of Music. She wants to listen to the songs from it on her Broadway CD and watch it alot now.
*She is more and more anti-hair accessory everyday. Even if I succeed in getting something into her hair, it usually only stays a few minutes.
*Her stories and descriptions of imaginary scenarios get more elaborate and longer all the time. Sometimes I cannot get a word in and am sure that it could go on for hours unless I totally interrupt to, say, feed her a meal or get her to bed.
*I love to hear how she typically phrases her questions and comments, sandwiching them between two references to the person to whom she's speaking, such as "Mommy, can I have a snack, Maamaa?" or "Daddy, I brushed my teeth, Dada." When she's distracted but trying to say something to me, sometimes it comes after a string of at least a dozen "Mamas."
*It is so sweet to hear the things she talks about doing when she "get(s) a big girl"...she knows there are some things she has to wait for, but on this special day, I am so aware of all she can do now and how much of a "big girl" she already is. It is amazing how much she has changed in this last year! We are thankful for this sweet and dear girl and the times we are having with her. Happy Birthday, AG!!!
Party Girl
AG ran to give her stroller-bound sister a big hug!
After our morning at the zoo we had a picnic at the park nearby and then came back home for cake. AG immediately started enjoying many of her she is playing with her Doodle board and modeling her fun new raincoat from Nana and Grandpa (which she got to test out in the rain that day, also!). She also loves her new kid-sized table and chairs from Nana and Grandpa and her tricycle from Gran and PopPop. It was lots of fun for us all to get to start off her birthday weekend with her grandparents!