Well, we're officially in the blog game now! After starting one months ago, leaving it totally alone til today, deciding to scratch it and start afresh...here we go! I hope this will serve as a way for many of our family and friends far away to keep up with what's going on, especially with the girls (AG and LL). Of course it won't replace phone calls, email, letters (Yes, some of us are still putting pen to paper! At least occasionally...) and best of all actual visits face to face, but (you already knew that, didn't you?) maybe it will offer a chance for you to check in and see a new picture or read about one of our daily experiences that would have otherwise gone unshared.
In a nutshell (because it's getting late!) we are enjoying life with our two little ones...and oh how the weeks are flying by! AG turned 2 in April and has entered into a whole new realm of independence, which keeps us on our toes! Her favorite phrases now are "I do it" and "Nope, don't want to." Figuring out how to respond to that one in any number of circumstances is a work in progress! (Suggestions are welcomed!) LL is now 7 months and is enjoying the view from her new carseat (see picture), exersaucer, double jog stroller seat, and pretty much anywhere she can sit up and grab anything within reach. Her menu is expanding every few days, with the latest addition being yogurt (AG is having to take sharing to a whole new level!). AG stands by with "napkins" ready to "tean up" her baby sister should Mommy miss her mouth, which of course almost never happens ;)! As you can see from the picture of LL's first ride in her new seat, AG is there to lend a hand in many ways, and thankfully, so far LL is all for it.